South Africa

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1 Reviews on “South Africa”

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Is it easy to bring my pet into the country?
Is it easy to leave the country with my pet?
Are pets allowed in accommodations? (hotels, airbnb, etc.)
Are pets allowed on public transport? (bus, train, subway, taxi, etc.)
Are there fun activities to do with my dog? (parks, restaurants, hiking, beaches, etc.)
Are my pets safe? (strays, dognapping, dangerous insects or animals, etc.)
  • Khutala Listing Owner
    Is it easy to bring my pet into the country?
    Is it easy to leave the country with my pet?
    Are pets allowed in accommodations? (hotels, airbnb, etc.)
    Are pets allowed on public transport? (bus, train, subway, taxi, etc.)
    Are there fun activities to do with my dog? (parks, restaurants, hiking, beaches, etc.)
    Are my pets safe? (strays, dognapping, dangerous insects or animals, etc.)

    The South African government has made it really really difficult to get your pet into the country. It’s probably only worth doing if you are going to move to South Africa. I can’t imagine fighting with that paperwork for a vacation. The British brought their love of dogs with them, so 200 years later people of European descent almost all have dogs. Big dogs tend to work and serve as home crime deterrents, but little dogs are pampered members of the household. It’s really common to have single family homes with big yards, so our dogs had lots of space to run around at home. Our Rottweilers always stayed home, but our jack russell could go with us a lot more places on vacations, patio dining, hiking, beaches etc. Public transportation in SA usually consists of long distance busses and mini-vans locally. Those aren’t really recommended modes of transportation for tourists, but anything goes there. Most of the time, there will be chickens or goats or something there, so why not a dog. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen these animals tied to the top of the bus. I’m pretty sure, you don’t want your dog riding around on the top of the bus. Most people who move to South Africa will buy their own car, so then your pet can go wherever you want to take them.
    Dogs who move to South Africa can have a great life, but I wouldn’t try this wonderful country for a vacation.

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Is it easy to bring my pet into the country?
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Is it easy to leave the country with my pet?
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Are pets allowed in accommodations? (hotels, airbnb, etc.)
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Are pets allowed on public transport? (bus, train, subway, taxi, etc.)
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Are there fun activities to do with my dog? (parks, restaurants, hiking, beaches, etc.)
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Are my pets safe? (strays, dognapping, dangerous insects or animals, etc.)
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